
International Journals Published

1)“Scheduling of workflows in grid computing with probabilistic TabuSearch” in (IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 8, No. 4, July 2010. (ISSN 1947-5500)

2)”Beyond simulated annealing in grid scheduling” in (IJCSE) International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering,Vol. 3, No. 3, March 2011. (ISSN 0975-3397)

3)“Grid Scheduling with smart Genetic Algorithm” in (IJGCMAS) International journal of Grid Computing and Multi Agent Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, January-June, 2011, pp 1-10.

4) “Expeditious Scheduling for Precedence Constraint Tasks in Grid” (IJSER) International journal of Scientific and Engineering research, Vol.3, Issue 5, May 2012. (ISSN 2229-5518)

5)”Enhanced Hierarchical Load Balancing Algorithm in Grid Environment” (IJSER) International journal of Scientific and Engineering research, Vol.3, Issue 5, May 2012. (ISSN 2229-5518)

6)”Augmenting Hierarchical Load Balancing with Intelligence in Grid Environment”, International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, ISSN 2207-6379, vol. 5, No. 2, June 2012.(Emerging Sources Citation Index)

7)”Smart Bacterial Foraging Optimization for Grid Scheduling”, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 94 No 2, Jan 2013, pp 253-260 (ISSN 1450-216X)

8)”Conventional resource matching and scheduling for dependent and independent tasks in a grid”, The International journal of computer science and applications (TIJCSA), Vol. 1 No 11, Jan 2013, pp 19-29. (ISSN 2278-1080)

9)”Hybridized TABU-BFO Algorithm in Grid Scheduling”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol.63 No.11, Feb 2013, pp 43-47. (ISSN 0975-8887)

10)”A reliable schedule with budget constraints in grid computing”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol. 64 No.3, Feb 2013, pp 23-28. (ISSN 0975-8887)

11)”Enhancing Genetic Based Scheduling in Computational Grid with Bacterial Foraging Optimization Technique”, International journal of computer science and technology (IJCST), Vol. 4 issue1, March 2013, pp 337-341. (ISSN 0976-8491)

12)”Intelligent Reliable Schedule with Budget Constraints in Grid Computing”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Issue No.4, Volume 7, ISSN: 2040-7459, January 2014(SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q4)

13)”An efficient load balancing using bee foraging technique with random stealing”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 2, Ver. V (Mar – Apr. 2015),  PP 100-107

14) “A Survey on Visual Cryptography Schemes”, International Journal of Research(IJR), ISSN: 2348-6848, Vol-3, Issue-05, March 2016, pp 201-203

15) “Sharing Visual Secrets with Click Points Encryption”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Research India Publications, ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 9 (2016) pp 6577-6582(SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q2)

16) “A Novel Harmony Search Algorithm for Dynamic Task Scheduling”, International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences, ISSN 2320-4387 Vol. 4, (2016) pp 2613-2627

17) “Classification of Osteoporosis by artificial neural network based on monarch butterfly optimization algorithm”, Healthcare Technology letters, ISSN 2053-3713 Volume 5, Issue 2, doi: 10.1049/htl.2017.0059 (2018) pp70-75(SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q2)(Emerging Sources Citation Index)

18) “Intelligent Sensor Based Monitoring System for Underwater Pollution”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Engineering, ISSN: 2394-6598, Issue 7, Vol. 5 (2019) pp 576-580

19) “Automatic Identification and Management in Parking Lot through IOT”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Engineering,    ISSN: 2394-6598, Issue 7, Vol. 5 (2019) pp 539-543

20) “Design of Underground Mine Detection Robot using Sensor Network”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Engineering,    ISSN: 2394-6598, Issue 7, Vol. 5 (2019) pp 519-524

21) “Road Accident Data Analytics Using Map-Reduce Concept”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN 2278-3075, Issue. 11, Vol. 8 (2019) pp 1032-1037.

22) “Application of Discrete Transforms with Selective Coefficients for Blind Image Watermarking”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Impact factor 1.258(SCI Indexed), Wiley Publications, DOI: 10.1002/ett.3771, first published 24-Oct-2019, ISSN: 2161-3915(SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q2)(Science Citation Index Expanded)

23) “Improving Classification Accuracy Using Hybrid of Extreme Learning Machine and Artificial Algae Algorithm with Multi-Light Source”, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (SCI Expanded), ISSN: 0218-4885, Vol 28, No.2 (2020) 213-236(SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q2)(Science Citation Index Expanded)

24) “Optimal Feature Selection based Medical Image Classification using Deep Learning Model in Internet of Medical Things”, IEEE Access (SCI Expanded), DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2981337 ISSN: 2169-3536(SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q1)(Science Citation Index Expanded)

25) “An Ads-Csab Approach For Economic Denial Of Sustainability Attacks In Cloud Storage”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research,     ISSN 2277-8616, Vol 9, Issue 4 (2020), pp 2575-2578

26) “Development of Reinforcement Learning and Pattern Matching (RLPM) Based Firewall for Secured Cloud Infrastructure”, Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN:0929-6212 Springer Netherlands, 2020, pp 1-26(SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q3)(Science Citation Index Expanded)

27) “Human Adaptive mechatronics system integrated with cybernetics loop using neuromuscular controller in occupational therapy for elderly person with disability” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, ISSN 1868-5137 Journal Rank Rating-Q1)(Science Citation Index Expanded)

28) “Web based database security in internet of things using fully homomorphic encryption and discrete bee colony optimization”, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Big Data and Cloud Computing Challenges Special Issue 1/2020, ISSN 0127-9084,pp 1-14(SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q4)(Science Citation Index Expanded)

29) “Design of Human Adaptive Mechatronics Controller for Upper Limb Motion Intention Prediction, CMC – Computers Materials & Continua, Tech Science Press, ISSN 1546-2218, Vol. 71, No 1.(2022) pp. 1171-1188 (SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q1)(Science Citation Index Expanded)

30) “Evolutionary Algorithm Based Task Scheduling in IoT Enabled Cloud Environment”, CMC – Computers Materials & Continua, Tech Science Press, ISSN 1546-2218, Vol. 71, No 1.(2022) pp. 1095-1109 (SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q1)(Science Citation Index Expanded)

31) “Evolutionary Algorithm Based Task Scheduling in IoT Enabled Cloud Environment”, accepted in CMC – Computers Materials & Continua, Tech Science Press, ISSN 1546-2218 (SCImago Journal Rank Rating-Q1)(Science Citation Index Expanded)