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National Conferences
- “Intelligent multicast routing protocol for MANET’s”, WEBTOPS – a national level conference on web technology and open source, Jaya engineering college, march 8th and 9th, 2007.
- “Intelligent scheduling of workflows in Grid computing with Probabilistic Tabu Search”, NCETC2010 – a national conference on emerging technologies in computers, SMIT, 12th February 2010.
- “Intelligent Techniques for Grid Computing”, NCAC’11– a national conference on advanced computing,Kalasalingam University, 9th march 2011.
- “E-based web crawler for a smart city”, NCET’12- a national conference on emerging trends, PPG Institute of Technology, 22nd February, 2012.
- “Security through obscurity for secure communication of data using image steganography”, 2nd national conference on emerging trends in computer applications, SRM university, 24th February 2012.
- “Authentication in Banking Application using Visual Cryptography”, NCAC-2012 – 3rd national conference on Advanced Computing, D.J Academy for managerial excellence, 3rd march 2012.
- “Load Balancing in Telecommunication Networks using Ant colony Optimization”,NCAC-2012 – 3rd national conference on Advanced Computing, D.J Academy for managerial excellence, 3rd march 2012.
- “Study on Tabu search and its hybridization in Grid scheduling”, NCACTA’ 13 – national conference on advanced computing technologies and applications, Sri Muthukumaran Insititute of technology, 8th march 2013.
- “Survey on different types of computing”, NCICT-13 – a national conference on information and communication technology, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103, 28th march 2013.
- “An Intelligent Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication”, 2nd National conference on Technological Advancements in Engineering, SreeNarayana Guru college of Engineering and Technology, Payannur, 17th March 2016.